On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Bob Tanner wrote:

> What do you mean?
> If you got a job you love, money isn't everything.
i'll assume sarcasm but I also have to vent...


Call me jaded but i used to think that money wasn't everything.
But then I started meeting people who had been in the
industry for 5-10 years that didnt know a leg from a breast
getting twice (or more) my salary. When I have to work with
incompetant people knowing that I knew more in college than they
do now its hard for money no not become a factor.

Who here would continue to love their job if they knew their
co-worked was getting paid $30K more to do the same job?

i've always said, you can lower my salary if you agree to
lower everyone elses in the industry too (ie. most of us
are overpaid for the amount of work we do..and some are
underpaid for the work. those people should switch jobs.)
