Hi Jacque,

> One other thing I remember was that the machine had to be dual boot with
> macos or
> it wouldn't work. I don't know if this has changed by now.

No, that hasn't changed, and probably won't for a while, as the Mac 68k Linux 
kernel still does not support the floppy drive. This seems almost too strange 
to believe, but apparently, the Mac designers have remained very tight-lipped 
about the workings of the floppy controller.

> Hmm, maybe I should pick up a used PPC box and start playing again.

It reportedly runs on SE/30 as well, but I have not been able to get my SE/30 
to boot it. A fellow who goes by 'Jag' apparently has it running on his 
SE/30, but I'm not sure what he did differently. 

First the booter was blamed, then the kernel.. but blame aside, I can't get 
it to boot on *my* SE/30. I have a spare SE/30 if anyone is interested in 
giving this a try.

I mean, anything has got to be better than MacOS ;)

Bill Layer
Sales Technician
<b.layer at vikingelectronics.com>