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Re: [VANILLA-LIST:2027] and COW mailing list

On Thu, 04 Mar 1999  Alec Habig wrote:
>Carlos Y. Villalpando writes:

1) Has the Vanilla Server list moved again? Seems like I'm not on the
List anymore :-( Is it a nomal majordomo or listserv list?

Also I still don't have a working RW access to the vanilla CVS tree yet :(
I have several config and gmp 2 (RSA) fixes I like to submit.

2) I fear the brmbugs (Cow) mailing list is definitely gone now after several
years without any administrator. Anyone willing and capable to setup
a new List so that we can relink to it.

>> Let me know when you figure out what's up.  I'm sitting on a bunch of
>> patches off the 3.00pl0 base that James (mostly) and I did to add UDP
>> metaserver query to the client.  I don't know where to send them and I
>> can't find this supposed 3.00pl1b base.  Only the 3.00pl0.
> has tarballs.

Cow is under CVS source control at
You always get read only access to the latest source with
user netrek password netrek (or cow/cow guest/guest)

Set your CVS environment to

for the latest stuff.

>> James, Alec, you want them? The patches, that is.

James already has RW access to the COW CVS tree.

>Kurt's got cvs setup.  The safest thing to do is to get you access to
>that tree and apply the patches through cvs.  Kurt, could you please
>give Carlos a login?

Will give him RW access as well.

>We should probobly take Kurt's beta's and the metaserver fixes and make
>a release out of it.

Actually its my plan to release it as soon I get all the metaserver fixes.

Kurt (007)

Kurt Siegl / Franzberg 4, A-4483 Hargelsberg, Austria
Email:       Tel (ISDN):   *(7225)7017