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Re: [VANILLA-LIST:2027] and COW mailing list

Quoting Alec Habig <>:
> James Cameron writes:
> > Alec Habig wrote:
> > > Anybody want to take over compiling COW's for these two OS's?
> > 
> > Not me.  I can compile for Linux Intel though now.
> Michael Kellen's on top of that, so we're covered there.
> > Question: how do I get onto the list?
> > I was once, when it was at brmbugs, but with the wrong address.
> I originally was writing to ask if anyone knew what had
> happened to the cow mailing list, as I couldn't ping it and mails
> haven't been going through.

Let me know when you figure out what's up.  I'm sitting on a bunch of
patches off the 3.00pl0 base that James (mostly) and I did to add UDP
metaserver query to the client.  I don't know where to send them and I
can't find this supposed 3.00pl1b base.  Only the 3.00pl0.

James, Alec, you want them? The patches, that is.

--Carlos V.