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Apache + mod_perl + MySQL examples?

Hello all!

I've just started playing with a '486 box, on which I'm planning to do
something with Apache, mod_perl, and MySQL.  I've successfully
installed the software so far (which was interesting because it
involved creative use of NFS between it and my main machine) but
that's about all.

This is a system I got from my employer, promising to give it to a
non-profit.  I was originally going to set it up as a web client in
one of the Mpls Public Library branches, but the video was not good
enough, and I didn't want people to get a bad impression of Linux
because of that.

Sooo ... I had to find another project.

My neighbor works for Mpls Public Library downtown and maintains a
database of City Pages references, so -- although this project has not
been officially approved by the library yet, and may not be -- I'm
hoping to make his database web-accessible.

I know next to nothing about Apache, Perl, or SQL yet, but I figured
this would be a great way to learn.  Since this seems to be a popular
combination, I was really looking for some samples I could study.

The library is also interested in WAIS access, so that would be nice
to provide if possible.  I really have no clue about WAIS, though
... any helpful info on this would also be most appreciated.

| Forrest Cahoon      | |------------------------------|
| 850 21st Ave SE     |----------------------| Only unbalanced people       |
| Mpls MN  55414-2514 |                      |        can tip the scales... |