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Re: [TCLUG:2516] posters and questions
Eric Hillman wrote:
> > -Does Redhat support Dvorak keyboards?
> Yes. (You didn't ask, but, I, for one, think that the Dvorak hype is
> overblown. I recall one study which showed that Dvorak may accelerate
> carpal tunnel damage because it concentrates too much on the right hand,
> whereas QWERTY favors the left and requires more alternation between hands.
> My opinion is that Dvorak may be more damaging, but the probable cause is
> Dvorak zealots pounding the hell out of their fingers trying to prove
> they've gained 5 words a minute since switching...)
Interesting (and colorful) perspective. That's an angle I hadn't
thought about. I've putzed around with Dvorak a little, and
wouldn't mind learning it as a change of pace (but I'll never
give up good ol' QWERTY). Dvorak does seem to make a little more
physical sense than QWERTY, but I wouldn't deny the carpal tunnel
problem. Who knows? All the vowels are on the left side, so
maybe if you're writing in Hawaiian both hands balance out and
carpal tunnel isn't a problem. (c: