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RE: [TCLUG:2516] posters and questions

> I have some general info requests maybe someone can help me with:
> -I'm reletively new to Linux (I have or will be installing Redhat 5.0 over
>  break) and I'd like to pick up a tutorial/reference book or two
> that I can
>  use to teach myself what the heck I'm doing.  Any recomendations from the
>  gurus?

	First of all, upgrade to 5.1 or 5.2 as soon as possible.  Both of those
versions IMO, are considerably more stable and secure than the 5.0 release.
	Secondly, the books I most often turn to for Linux advice are:
	"Running Linux" -- O'Reilley & Assoc.  ISBN 1-56592-151-8 (The Linux
*Bible*. "Linux in a Nutshell" is supposed to be good, too.)
	"UNIX System Administration" -- Prentice Hall.  ISBN 0-13-151051-7 (Doesn't
mention Linux specifically, but the advice is applicable to nearly any
system.  The distilled wisdom of the great sages of UNIX through the years,
plus cartoons.  Nearly guaranteed to keep you from becoming one of the
"RedHat sysadmins" reviled on alt.sysadmin.recovery).

> -Does Redhat support Dvorak keyboards?

	Yes. (You didn't ask, but, I, for one, think that the Dvorak hype is
overblown.  I recall one study which showed that Dvorak may accelerate
carpal tunnel damage because it concentrates too much on the right hand,
whereas QWERTY favors the left and requires more alternation between hands.
My opinion is that Dvorak may be more damaging, but the probable cause is
Dvorak zealots pounding the hell out of their fingers trying to prove
they've gained 5 words a minute since switching...)

> -I'm also trying to find a copy of DOS 5.0 or 6.22 - anyone know where I
>  can find one?  Preferably free? has a GPL'ed, nearly 100% MS-DOS-compatible OS.  A
new release (Beta 2) just came out early last month.
	I may actually have a copy of DOS 6.22 kicking around my house somewhere,
though.  I'll have a look this weekend.