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Re: [TCLUG:1889] Non-interactive Excel conversion script

On Thu, 22 Oct 1998, John R Sheets wrote:

> Nate Carlson wrote:
> So they fill out the search form and click submit, and it creates and
> transfers a binary Excel file that they save on their own harddrive & open in
> Excel at their leisure?  Sounds cool, but no, I don't know about anything on
> the Linux side.  Sorry.
> >  If not, I'll just
> > set it up to send them a tab-deliniated text file and give 'em
> > instructions on how to import it.. thanks!
> That's what I would do.  (c:  Much more universal, anyway.
> John

Well, I will add the option for tab-deliniated no matter what, but some
customers specifically want Excel.. <sigh>.. windows users.  :). No matter
what, it'll display the information in HTML format, and allow them to
download a text-delinated version.. last thing I'd want to do is cut our
unix users out of the picture. 

-Nate Carlson
 The Infinite Loop