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Re: [TCLUG:1393] print server
I am assuming you are doing the below on the client machines. The remote
queue that the printtool prompts you for is the name of the print queue on
the server machine.
After you set up the server machine run the following command on it :
"lpq" this will return the default printer queue name to you.
Verify that this is the same as that described in the "/etc/printcap" file on
server. The format of the printcap file is simple, take a look at it and you
be able to figure it out.
You should be all set from there.
In a message dated 98-09-25 23:59:51 EDT, you write:
<< I've got this part started, but I can't figure out what to put in the
RedHat Control Panel Print tool setting for the remote queue. I see that
you give it a name, point to the IP of the printer server, but it wants to
know the remote queue. Admittedly, I've never done this before. I can't
find any hints about what the remote queue should be. Suggestions? >>