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Re: [TCLUG:1289] Network Party
>>>>> "Clay" == Clay Fandre <> writes:
Clay> Quake sometimes locks up the keyboard and console. And if
Clay> the keyboard is locked up...
Most video games (unlike normal programs) under linux circumvent the
kernel in some way to get at the actual video and memory devices. This
makes the game faster. Unfortunately it can hose your entire
system. If you are lucky you can login from another place and kill the
offending process, but usually you have to restart. The only time I've
had linux crash from a software problem is while playing doom...
Clay> Clay
Clay> Brad DeJong wrote:
>> My only question would be why do you need to find a different
>> computer to telnet from to shutdown your box? Use the F-keys
>> to pull up another virtual terminal, login, and shutdown. It's
>> been a while since I've done this, exact syntax is something
>> simple like alt-F1, this is probably in the FAQ's. Slackware
>> used to come set up with 8 virtual terminals by default. XDM
>> used virtual terminal 7, leaving F1-F6 and F8 available for
>> text logins.
>> ----------
Clay> ------------------------------------------------------------
Clay> Clay Fandre Honeywell - CAS-SPO / Coon Rapids, MN System
Clay> Administrator
Clay> ------------------------------------------------------------
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