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Samba question

Hi everyone,

It looks like my file server will be ready to pick-up tomorrow or Thurs.
at the latest. Then the fun will begin. I imagine I'll know a lot more
about Linux in two weeks than I know now. First, a quick Samba

I just finished reading John Blair's book "Samba: Integrating Unix and
Windows." Quite well done I would say. This book has everything you need
to know about configuring Samba. Unfortunately, there's a big hole in my
knowledge that was not filled. Namely, how do you install a Win95
program on a Linux box so said Linux box can run Samba and do its NT

Quick context: My server will have one 4.5 GB SCSI HD. I'll install
RH5.1 plus other goodies including (hopefully soon) the Corel
WordPerfect suite. My network at school will have a few Win95 machines
as well. I'd like to install some Windows programs on the Linux server
for them to access. I want to know...

1. Do I need to create a separate, vfat formatted partition to hold the
Win32 programs?

2. How do you install a Windows program on a computer that doesn't have
a copy of Windows on it?

I've got a few NIS, NFS, print serving, shadow password, etc. questions
queued up. I'm reading HOWTOs, FAQs, and other documentation as fast as
i can, but I may need to send a few questions out about those items too.

Hanging loose as usual,

Timothy Wilson		 |  Powered by Linux  |      Check out:
Henry Sibley High School |                    |
West St. Paul, MN  USA	 |  Proud Linux user  |	 |    since 2.0.32    |