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Re: [TCLUG:974] sendmail question

> I have a RedHat 5.1 linux box set up on the Internet that is running
> sendmail. I can log into that box and, using pine, retrieve my email. 
> I would like to be able to check my mail from other machines without
> telneting in. When I attempt to do this from a Windows 95 machine
> (using 2 different clients), I get a message saying the connection was
> terminated by the server, and I cannot retrieve my email.
> Anyone know what steps I have to take on my server to set up sendmail
> correctly for this?

Ok, some of the people in this thread seem to forget exactly how E-mail
is handled..

Sending email is done by sendmail (and some other lesser-known mailers)
using the SMTP protocol (running on port 25 of most computers)

To download email off a server, you must run a POP or IMAP server..  I
don't understand IMAP very well myself, but I _do_ understand POP
servers..  To check if a pop server is running on your own box, type in
'telnet localhost pop-3' or 'telnet localhost 110'

POP3 servers run on port 110 of server systems..  If you get a
'connection refused' error, the POP server is _not_ running..  It may be
in the inetd.conf file, and may have errored out or something..  I
suppose it's also possible that, if you have tcp wrappers installed, the
connection may have been refused on security reasons..

It may be a good idea to check the system logs to see if anything
interesting has showed up..

Anyway, Unless the polarity of the earth has changed in my sleep or
something, Samba has _nothing_ to do with getting email..

Mike Hicks