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how to remove the corrupted file

Hi all

I'm not sure how but somehow my PostgreSQL database got corrupted and
now there is this junk file in the data/ directory that I'm trying to
remove but just can not. I've been able to rename the data/ to junk/ and
re-installed PostgreSQL but just wondering if anyone knows how to get
rid of it ?

(Tried all the following commands as root)

root:/usr/local/postgresql-6.3.2/junk> ll
total 2147455742
drwx------   2 postgres users        1024 Jul 20 21:30 .
drwxr-xr-x   8 postgres users        1024 Jul 20 22:14 ..
-r-s-w-r-x 35087 33765    29953    1448544492 Nov 27  1985 pg_group
root:/usr/local/postgresql-6.3.2/junk> rm pg_group 
rm: remove `pg_group', overriding mode 4525? y
rm: pg_group: Operation not permitted
root:/usr/local/postgresql-6.3.2/junk> mv pg_group junk
mv: cannot move `pg_group' to `junk': Operation not permitted
root:/usr/local/postgresql-6.3.2/junk> chmod 777 pg_group 
chmod: pg_group: Operation not permitted
root:/usr/local/postgresql-6.3.2/junk> chown postgres.users pg_group 
chown: pg_group: Operation not permitted
root:/usr/local/postgresql-6.3.2/junk> cd ..
root:/usr/local/postgresql-6.3.2> rm -rf junk
rm: junk/pg_group: Operation not permitted
rm: junk: Directory not empty


--------To err is human but to really mess it up is computer--------