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Meeting sutff (was Re: [TCLUG:67] Donate spare parts.)

> Not much response about the topic for tomorrow. Is anyone willing to
> prepare something? I was thinking about having a short intro of UNIX in
> general and the differences between UNIX and DOS. Then get into setting
> up Linux for the newbies. 

I've been seeing a lot of new people posting on SIGFS, some who are
wondering if Linux is really free and where they could get a copy. So I'm
thinking the intro idea sounds pretty good. Hopefully some of those people
will make it.

> crazy and decide to mail something to this list.) Sunday night would
> work better for me, but whatever the majority wants.

I'd have to agree. Saturday afternoon is tough (have trouble getting up
that early on Saturday). Sunday evening sounds great. Or if you'd like to
meet during the week, Monday and Wednesday evenings work as well.

> Can someone take notes for me???

I can try but I can't promise you'll be able to read them, I'll have to
type them up.


Hans D Umhoefer (