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I'd prefer nights. Daylight hours are precious, lots of yard work :(). 
Evenings would work better. Any evening is fine for me.

Quoting Clayton Fandre (
> Once again, I do apologize for not being able to make it again. Next
> month will be more organized. I promise. Hopefully I can get a guest
> speaker to come. We'll see.
> Not much response about the topic for tomorrow. Is anyone willing to
> prepare something? I was thinking about having a short intro of UNIX in
> general and the differences between UNIX and DOS. Then get into setting
> up Linux for the newbies. 
> Topic for tomorrow:
> I have been hearing some complaints about having our meetings on
> Saturdays. Personally, it's hard to make it because I'm out of town a
> lot during the weekend. (Especially in the summer.) I would like to know
> how other people feel. Since no one ever sends to this list, would you
> please discuss it tomorrow and let me know. (Unless you guys are feeling
> crazy and decide to mail something to this list.) Sunday night would
> work better for me, but whatever the majority wants.
> Can someone take notes for me???
> Thanks.
> Clay
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Clay Fandre            Honeywell - CAS-SPO / Coon Rapids, MN
> System Administrator
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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