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Debian install trouble w/ DHCP

Hey everyone,

I'm trying to do a Debian install on a new system. Since I don't have any
sort of broadband at home I took the machine with me this weekend to use my
father-in-law's cable modem connection. Unfortunately, I failed because I
couldn't get an IP address using DHCP in the network configuration section
of the installer.

Thinking that it was potentially a problem with the cable provider not
supporting Linux (DHCP worked with Windows fine on the same machine), I
brought it in to school today to give it another try with my Linux
network. Unfortunately, I have the same trouble. The Debian installer
reports that it failed to configure the network and asks if I'd like to do
it manually.

I went through and typed in the settings by hand but found that the
installer didn't activate the network when I was finished. It says that it
will be activated when I reboot which is fine if I don't need the network
for the rest of the install. Which I do!

Any answers here? I'm using the latest boot floppies. I've done this before,
and I'm not sure why it's not working now.


Tim Wilson      | Visit Sibley online:         | Check out:
Henry Sibley HS | |
W. St. Paul, MN |                              | |   <dtml-var pithy_quote>     |