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RE: [TCLUG:22862] SCSI emulation

Rebuild your kernel.  If your distro installed the kernel source, do a make
xconfig, or make menuconfig.  Chances are that all of the options that your
running kernel have are already selected.  Enable SCSI emulation, SCSI
generic devices, and you MUST disable ATAPI cdrom support.  Otherwise it
will use ATAPI support by default and the SCSI emulation won't work.

make dep && make clean && make bzlilo && make modules && make

Verify that lilo.conf points to the newly installed kernel, if it doesn't,
you'll have to change it so it does and re-run /sbin/lilo (this runs
automatically during the make bzlilo).


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Sherohman []
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: [TCLUG:22862] SCSI emulation

On Wed, Oct 18, 2000 at 06:25:05PM -0700, Blake wrote:
> I installed the "Linux technology preview" with Caldera. How do I setup
"generic SCSI 
> support"? (recompile or some chit) I need it for a burner prog.

Your guess was correct:  Rebuild your kernel.

> (KDE2 rocks)

Desktop manager?  Desktop manager?!?  We don' need no steenking desktop

(It's not a distro...)

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