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Re: [TCLUG:22812] Licensing of NT in a linux vs nt whitepaper

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, Amy Tanner wrote:
> AFAIK, NT license does not matter for websites. NT license is for
> users logging in to the box (file/print, etc).  However, if you have
> a SQLServer db, there's a $2500 thingy you're supposed to buy since you 
> can have a ton of connections (users) to your database.  This is how it 
> was a few years ago, anyway.  Don't know about Access.

I was reading _somewhere_ (don't remember where) that they changed the
licensing with the release of Win2000 so that you would have to be
licensed for every simultaneous web site connection. I wish I could find
that article.. I think it was on /.

Nate Carlson <>   | Phone : (952)943-8700                | Fax   : (952)943-8500