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Licensing of NT in a linux vs nt whitepaper

Since I have never really used NT for anything, I am not sure I totally
understand the licensing agreements.

I am writing a paper comparing linux to nt from a cost prospective (money).

Now, I see you can get NT 5-user for around $1000 list. Attempting to read the
EULA confuses the hell out of me, so I am going to ask the list.

If you use NT as the operating system for a web site, can you run your web site
on just a 5-user license? Even if you take (cough) millions of hits a day on
this box?

Reading the EULA it seems that you have to purchase an unlimited-user license
because the 'net represents unlimited users of this machine.

Is the correct? The info I want seems to be in the EULA but I cannot pull it out
of all the legalise that is in there.

* Next Topic *

Doing a similar thing for Postgres vs MySQL vs MS SQL server vs MS Access.

MS Access seems to say single user, so as a db backend to a busy website, is the
NT box the 1 user? 

Again, EULA for MS SQL Server is confusing. There seems to be issues
about users and simulanteous connections. If you use MS SQL server as the
back-end, do you need to have unlimited users, or will the 20-user version work
for a busy web site?

I'd be happy to share this with the LUG, so people will have a reference to it
for other Linux vs NT sales pitches.

Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : (612)943-8700                 | Fax   : (612)943-8500
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