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Re: [TCLUG:2254] Cable modem is ripping me off

> [1] Drive to Dexis.
> [2] Go into the back room.  Pick up a 486DX33/66.  $30-35
>     Included with mine was one ISA nic and a 250MB HD

I bought a stack of 486/33SXs at gov't auction for $3-10 ea. I still have
a few of them. if anyone asks nicely, I'm willing to give them away (since
they're mostly just taking up space in my living room right now).
	not sure how many I have, nor how much memory they have, and no 
guarantee that they won't go "snap crackle pop" when you plug them in; 
but hopefully they'll do someone more good than myself. :)
	if there's interest, I'll bring some to the next TCLUG meeting.

Carl Soderstrom
Network Engineer
Real-Time Enterprises
(952) 943-8700