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Re: [TCLUG:2254] Cable modem is ripping me off

On Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 07:23:54AM -0500, BT wrote:
> My  Router cost me $149 at compusa, the reason for the hub is the
> netgear RT311 has only 1 output port, since I already had a hub.  I
> know there are routers out there with up to 5 outputs and they run
> about $179 or so. Not sure on the price of hubs but it shouldn't be
> over $30-$40 for a 10T 5 port hub, so it's your call on whether you
> go a multi port router or router hub setup.

[1] Drive to Dexis.
[2] Go into the back room.  Pick up a 486DX33/66.  $30-35
    Included with mine was one ISA nic and a 250MB HD
[3] Buy a cheap 10BaseT ISA NIC $5-15
[4] Download Debian floppy iso's.  Make boot and driver floppies.
[5] Plug in 468.  Insert floppy.  Install Debian base system.
[6] Reboot
[7] apt-get install ipmasq
    apt-get install ssh
[8] Add this line to your lilo.conf

    append "ether=0x280,9,eth0 ether=0x300,10,eth1"

[9] Run lilo
[10] Edit your /etc/network/interfaces file

    # External
    iface eth0 inet dhcp

    # Internal
    iface eth1 inet static
[11] Reboot (so that your nics can be recognized)
[12] Plug in cable modem ethernet crossover to external NIC.  Plug in
        ethernet cable to hub on internal NIC. Unplug monitor,
        keyboard, etc.  
[13] SSH into the box for administration.  Have fun!

** Excluded were some details on choosing correct device modules or
compiling a monolithic kernel.

  Chad "^chewie, gunnarr" Walstrom <>

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