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Re: [TCLUG] Re: [TCLUG:2254] Cable modem is ripping me off

Quoting Apu (
> BT, Approximately how much do you think would cost me to get a router and hub
> runnig ? How many IP addresses can I have ?

Why pay anything when linux can do it by itself?

Unless you are (gasp!) running Windoze and brain sucking the TCLUG for idea.

Do we need to strip Ben of his title? :-)

Using your existing linux box and another nic card you can get the functionality
of the netgear router for $30 (cost of a nic card). I assume you already have a
hub since you have multi computers, if not, you can use a twist cable between
your linuxbox and it's new nic card and your other machine.

Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : (612)943-8700                 | Fax   : (612)943-8500
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