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Re: [TCLUG:22614] Hidden files with samba

Are you familiar with the veto option?  It allows you to specify files
which will never be seen by the SMB client.  I use qmail and since
it's mail spool is under the user's home directory, I was planning to
use the veto option to hide that directory from them.

BTW, I just finished reading the O'Reilly Samba book, which is the
only reason I know this stuff.  I highly recommend it.


On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 11:58:00AM -0500, Andy Zbikowski wrote:
> wrote:
> > 
> > In the smb.conf file there is an option, map hidden, which, if true,
> > uses the executable by others bit (0001) on Un*x files as the hidden
> > bit for DOS files.  I think it is off by default.  You may want to
> > check whether you really want to use it.
> > 
> Don't remember why I turned that option on, but I really don't want it on I
> guess. (I think dotfiles were showing up in the users home directories and I
> was tryind different settings, and didn't turn that one back off.)
> Anyway, that cleared it up. My user can see all his documents now. Thanks.