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Re: [TCLUG:22499] RH7 is proven unworthy yet again


On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Bob Tanner wrote:

> What I don't get is why everyone is so ticked off. 

I have to agree. It's starting to annoy me that everyone's picking the
hell out of RedHat. To the point of gloating.

So Red Hat's update agent might hang or crash your box. You can TURN IT
OFF, and, if you're one of the very, very few who actually USE the auto
update feature, rerun it when the fix comes out.

Red Hat is, indeed, the Microsoft of the Linux world - because it is
getting ripped to shreads for anything they do. I wish people would give
them a rest. This is NOT Microsoft - you don't HAVE to use Red Hat. 

I have got to say this, though. UNIX, I don't care which UNIX, be it
SunOS, Solaris, IRIX, minix, Ultrix, and, yes, Linux of ANY
distribution. They have, and always will, have buggy releases. 
Errors. Crashes. Hangs. Even if they do years of bug testing. it will
still happen. That's what patches are for, and that's what SysAdmins have
to know how to WORK AROUND. I'm sorry, I hate to lash out this way, but if
having one bad daemon on a distribution makes it unusable for you, maybe
you shouldn't be using UNIX. Or a computer. Maybe try a typewriter. 

