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Re: [TCLUG] Re: [TCLUG:22499] RH7 is proven unworthy yet again

Quoting Thomas T. Veldhouse (
> Nice if you know this BEFORE you deploy.  That is what client testing is
> for - but you should be able to rely on the Redhat name for a certain level
> of reliability - and apparently the name is not worth very much right now.

What I don't get is why everyone is so ticked off. 

First, 6.2 is rock solid. So, unless you want bleeding edge. Stay on 6.2.

Second, that the open source mantra of release early, release often. Learn it.
LIVE IT, but respect it. Living by this mantra can have some side effects.

My personal opinion is all the heat RedHat is getting is going to cause them to
have very long (ala 2.4 kernel) release cycles. 

I'd rather have a rapid release cycle, followed by a flurry of bug fixes then a
stagnate distribution.

Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : (612)943-8700                 | Fax   : (612)943-8500
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