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RE: [TCLUG:22484] The mission 0f the Mn Linux group

> Not quite...  My impresstion is that such a deal would, effectively, mean
> getting rid of (or at least de-emphasizing) AIX and replacing it with RH.
> The rumors I was referring to would be more along the lines of
> AIX being kept
> at center stage, but made more linux-like.

Quoting Irving Wladawsky-Berger, "The man in charge of IBM's Linux efforts"
in Linux Magazine:

"[Linux] is better than almost any operating system for environments that
are highly dedicated," he says, "But for it to handle a very dynamic
transaction database environment...that's where you need a lot of kernel I can see a world where Linux becomes the main operating system on
IA-64, except for those environments that have these very dynamic
characteristics, and in those cases, you would then use AIX."

I read this yesterday and thought it was relevant to this thread.  The rest
of the interview is on the web at if your interested.

Jon Erickson