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Re: [TCLUG] [TCLUG:22484] The mission 0f the Mn Linux group

Quoting Charles Leyda (
> I just recent added my name to the mail list for this
> group. I am an one man shop Unix User of 20 years in a
> small Job Shop employing 100 people using NCR Computer
> with digi boards and 40 wyse terminal and 14 printers
> and 9 pc.
> I have been seriously look at Linux to replace it. I
> had hope to obtain info from this group to aid in the
> conversion. This appears to be a group of fun people
> that like to eat and drink at their meetings. Is there
> anybody in this group that is seriosly thinking of
> using Linux to replace Unix ??? 

Thinking? Been there and done that.

Real Time was a 100% solaris shop, we are now 99% Linux shop. Still got 2
Windoze machines, 1 for the sales guys laptop and another for the Web developer.
But all our core machines are running inte/alpha/sparc linux.

Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : (612)943-8700                 | Fax   : (612)943-8500
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