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Re: [TCLUG:22484] The mission 0f the Mn Linux group

On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 06:20:16AM -0700, Charles Leyda wrote:
> I just recent added my name to the mail list for this
> group. I am an one man shop Unix User of 20 years in a
> small Job Shop employing 100 people using NCR Computer
> with digi boards and 40 wyse terminal and 14 printers
> and 9 pc.

Huh?  Why would a "one man shop" include 100 people?  I'd call that a 100-man

> I have been seriously look at Linux to replace it. I
> had hope to obtain info from this group to aid in the
> conversion. This appears to be a group of fun people
> that like to eat and drink at their meetings. Is there
> anybody in this group that is seriosly thinking of
> using Linux to replace Unix ??? 

Don't think that we're not serious about Linux just because we have fun with
it.  When we joke about linux taking over the world, most of us are at least

- This list is hosted by Real-Time Enterprises, a linux-centric ISP

- Some of us use linux on the job.  Many (most?) of the rest are hoping to
find jobs using it in the relatively near future.

- I consider linux to be Yet Another Unix.  Although it's not entitled to the
trademark, I have yet to see any reason for thinking it in any way inferior
to the commercial unices.

- I've heard that linux is taking over the commercial unix world, not only by
replacing unix installations, but also in that commercial unices are moving
towards standardizing on linux-compatibility.  But I haven't seen any hard
data or official statements to back that up.

"Two words: Windows survives." - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
"So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin." - Matthew Alton
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