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Re: [TCLUG:22192] OT: booze rant

The german beer purity law also dictates that carbonation is 100% natural.
Many companies have captured the expelled CO2 during fermentation and used
it to carbonate the beer.  That allows them to meet the spirit of the law
and still clarify the beer for commercial sale.

Tom Veldhouse

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Plumbo" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [TCLUG:22192] OT: booze rant

> TCBeerUG?
> >Incidentally, the Hacker beer was actually quite good.  The day wasn't a
> >total loss.  Although my dad lost some respect for me because I prefer
> >imports like Dos Equis over Summit and Sam Adams.
> Hacker-Pschorr is great stuff. Brewed only with malt, hops, water, or
> following a german law or decree from the 1500's. Np "adjuncts" like corn
> rice, used a lot in megabrews (Bud). It's like a drinking beer out of a
> capsule.
> We do have some truly great beers here in America, though. Local microbrew
> James Page regularly wins medals in tough national competition, this year
> gold medal for their Iron Range Lager.
> (sigh) little time.
> Phil  Plumbo            | Printware, Inc.           |
>    | 1270 Eagan Industrial Rd. | voice: 651-456-1400
> | St. Paul, MN 55121  USA   |   fax: 651-454-3684
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