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Re: [TCLUG:22192] OT: booze rant


>Incidentally, the Hacker beer was actually quite good.  The day wasn't a
>total loss.  Although my dad lost some respect for me because I prefer
>imports like Dos Equis over Summit and Sam Adams.

Hacker-Pschorr is great stuff. Brewed only with malt, hops, water, or yeast,
following a german law or decree from the 1500's. Np "adjuncts" like corn or
rice, used a lot in megabrews (Bud). It's like a drinking beer out of a time

We do have some truly great beers here in America, though. Local microbrew
James Page regularly wins medals in tough national competition, this year a
gold medal for their Iron Range Lager. 

(sigh) little time.

Phil  Plumbo            | Printware, Inc.           |    | 1270 Eagan Industrial Rd. | voice: 651-456-1400 | St. Paul, MN 55121  USA   |   fax: 651-454-3684