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OT: booze rant

I apologize for the off-topic post but I have to rant about this

Yesterday was my 21st B-day.  After work I stopped by Liquor Warezhouse to
pick up some fire water.  I wanted Red Stripe but they didn't have any, so
I grabbed a case of Hacker Pschorr just because of the name.  Bring it up
to the counter, the guy glances at me, rings me up, takes my
money...doesn't even bother to card me.  God!  I've been waiting 21 years
to buy my "first" beer and I'm finally old enough but it doesn't even
matter.  I still get carded buying cigarettes for god sake.  My working
theory is that I wasn't nervous, played it cool, and hadn't shaved that
morning.  That and I wasn't buying Old Swillwaukie or miller high-life,
which is what all the high-school kids drink because it's all they can

Incidentally, the Hacker beer was actually quite good.  The day wasn't a
total loss.  Although my dad lost some respect for me because I prefer
imports like Dos Equis over Summit and Sam Adams.

Adam Maloney
Systems Administrator
Sihope Communications