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Re: [TCLUG:22042] DirecPC

Doesn't it make you wonder how long it is going to take to link all this to

Tom Veldhouse

----- Original Message -----
From: "Callum Lerwick" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [TCLUG:22042] DirecPC

> "Thomas T. Veldhouse" wrote:
> >
> > Only requires a 28.8 modem for upload.  56K modems only increase
> > speed, upload is still maximum of 33.6 and in practice that is a 28.8
> > upload.
> >
> > Also, I would avoid wireless Internet for your PC at all costs.  The
> > must be horrible.  I have heard that it is as much as one second.  Think
> > about it, these satellites are in a high geo-stationary orbit above the
> > equator.  A photon can circle the planet 7 times in a second.  Assuming
> Yes, due to the distance involved, latency is horrible. Also, if you
> think sharing cable bandwidth with the neighborhood is bad, think about
> sattelite. You're sharing with the entire hemisphere.
> Sattelite is only good if landline is absolutely not possible.
> Apparently in phoenix they have a ground based wireless internet
> service. Just plop a globe antenna thing on your roof and you got a nice
> high bandwidth connection...
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