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Re: [TCLUG:22042] DirecPC

"Thomas T. Veldhouse" wrote:
> Only requires a 28.8 modem for upload.  56K modems only increase download
> speed, upload is still maximum of 33.6 and in practice that is a 28.8
> upload.
> Also, I would avoid wireless Internet for your PC at all costs.  The latency
> must be horrible.  I have heard that it is as much as one second.  Think
> about it, these satellites are in a high geo-stationary orbit above the
> equator.  A photon can circle the planet 7 times in a second.  Assuming a

Yes, due to the distance involved, latency is horrible. Also, if you
think sharing cable bandwidth with the neighborhood is bad, think about
sattelite. You're sharing with the entire hemisphere.

Sattelite is only good if landline is absolutely not possible.

Apparently in phoenix they have a ground based wireless internet
service. Just plop a globe antenna thing on your roof and you got a nice
high bandwidth connection...