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Re: [TCLUG:22018] MoHappy Mobo

Duh.. I know that its not a GNS problem. I stated the problem I had with GNS
was that they sold products with problems. And from the problems I have had,
it seems alot of the products they sell have problems.

Do you know more about this VIA WD problem?  I have 3 Western Digital drives
and I just ordered an MSI board with a VIA chipset. Hopefully I wont see the
problem since my drives will use an add on Escalade 6400 ATA RAID controller,
and not use the onboard IDE controller. wrote:

> Actually, I believe that problem with the hard drives was a WD problem,
> in particular with the VIA south bridge. (Not a GNS problem).
> Again, Tran Micro is a top quality place.  Visit 'em!
> Nick Reinking
>, on 10/03/2000 08:55:06 AM
> To: @ PMDF
> cc:
> Subject: Re: [TCLUG:22018] MoHappy Mobo
> What kind of hard drive are you using with the K7T Pro?
> We have about 6 of those boards from nano. And every single one of them
> has a serious problem with Western Digital hard drives. We switched all
> of them over to IBM Deskstars and now they dont give us these whack
> errors anymore. (I can get an example of the error if your interested.)
> Why they have problems with WDC drives, I have no idea. It doesnt make
> much sense to me, but the problem is gone (or hiding until mission
> critical performance is needed).
> I like Tran Micro alot, they even helped me carry the stuff I bought out
> to my car!
> I have worked for 2 companies that have purchased alot from General Nano.
> We have been dissatisfied with the quality of components they sell. We
> had bought 4 workstations from them, and within 2 months 2 of the 4 power
> supplies had blown taking the board and ram with it, and left a SWEET
> char mark on the case! I replaced the ram, board, and supply
> (pcpowercooling) and they havent had a problem since. Another of the 4's
> motherboards (Soyo) simply failed. I called up soyo tech support so they
> could tell me what the post beep code was, since they didnt put it in the
> manual. I let the tech hear the post beeps, "Sorry, your board done".
> That was all the help he could provide. I replaced that board with a
> Supermicro something or other. No problems since.
> I hope these problems are just flukes and that Nano is a good company.
> Kent Schumacher wrote:
> > Thanks everyone for yesterdays motherboard advice fest.
> >
> > I ended up at General Nanosystem at 3:58 yesterday, left
> > at 4:17 with a (tested) MicroStar K7T pro, an 800Mhz
> > Athlon TBird, 128Mb PC133, and a nice case.
> >
> > Went home, transferred my drives and other junk, and
> > 45 minutes later I was writing code, answering
> > e-mail, and playing Heavy Gear II at speeds I found
> > astounding.
> >
> > I looked long and hard at the ASUS A7, and the net
> > just reported way too many problems with this board.
> > Now that I have it, I'm glad I went with the MicroStar.
> >
> > Thanks again,
> > Kent
> >
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