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Re: [TCLUG:22018] MoHappy Mobo

Actually, I believe that problem with the hard drives was a WD problem,
in particular with the VIA south bridge. (Not a GNS problem).

Again, Tran Micro is a top quality place.  Visit 'em!

Nick Reinking, on 10/03/2000 08:55:06 AM
To: @ PMDF
Subject: Re: [TCLUG:22018] MoHappy Mobo

What kind of hard drive are you using with the K7T Pro?
We have about 6 of those boards from nano. And every single one of them
has a serious problem with Western Digital hard drives. We switched all
of them over to IBM Deskstars and now they dont give us these whack
errors anymore. (I can get an example of the error if your interested.)
Why they have problems with WDC drives, I have no idea. It doesnt make
much sense to me, but the problem is gone (or hiding until mission
critical performance is needed).

I like Tran Micro alot, they even helped me carry the stuff I bought out
to my car!
I have worked for 2 companies that have purchased alot from General Nano.
We have been dissatisfied with the quality of components they sell. We
had bought 4 workstations from them, and within 2 months 2 of the 4 power
supplies had blown taking the board and ram with it, and left a SWEET
char mark on the case! I replaced the ram, board, and supply
(pcpowercooling) and they havent had a problem since. Another of the 4's
motherboards (Soyo) simply failed. I called up soyo tech support so they
could tell me what the post beep code was, since they didnt put it in the
manual. I let the tech hear the post beeps, "Sorry, your board done".
That was all the help he could provide. I replaced that board with a
Supermicro something or other. No problems since.

I hope these problems are just flukes and that Nano is a good company.

Kent Schumacher wrote:

> Thanks everyone for yesterdays motherboard advice fest.
> I ended up at General Nanosystem at 3:58 yesterday, left
> at 4:17 with a (tested) MicroStar K7T pro, an 800Mhz
> Athlon TBird, 128Mb PC133, and a nice case.
> Went home, transferred my drives and other junk, and
> 45 minutes later I was writing code, answering
> e-mail, and playing Heavy Gear II at speeds I found
> astounding.
> I looked long and hard at the ASUS A7, and the net
> just reported way too many problems with this board.
> Now that I have it, I'm glad I went with the MicroStar.
> Thanks again,
> Kent
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