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Re: [TCLUG:18107] Typical NT Administrator?

Well, the article is dated October 21, 1999, so he's likely already
regretted it.  With any luck, his brain was hit by the Y2K bug and he's
currently drooling on a keyboard in front of an NT 3.51 machine in an
institution somewhere.

How galactically stupid can one person be?  (wait, don't answer that)

Michael Vieths

On Wed, 24 May 2000 wrote:

> > If I ever hear a "regular NT Admin" say "Thank you microsoft" without a
> > sickening degree of malice in his voice, I'll call CNN and ask if Hell has
> > frozen over.  He should be ashamed of himself for posting that uninformed crap
> > that just makes him look stupid. And of course the FUD machine stuck it right
> > up on thier website, big-as-you-please. GOd the whole thing makes me sick to
> > my stomach.