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Re: [TCLUG:18107] Typical NT Administrator?

> If I ever hear a "regular NT Admin" say "Thank you microsoft" without a
> sickening degree of malice in his voice, I'll call CNN and ask if Hell has
> frozen over.  He should be ashamed of himself for posting that uninformed crap
> that just makes him look stupid. And of course the FUD machine stuck it right
> up on thier website, big-as-you-please. GOd the whole thing makes me sick to
> my stomach.

Note, his email is posted too (he's actually tech contact for the zone).
I'm betting he's already regretting it, on account of the flames that he's
sure to be getting.


> -- 
> Ben Lutgens  xAdministrator CS Solutions Inc |WinNT BSOD Security model:
> 1821 University Ave, St. Paul, Mn	     |"Can't crack it if it's crashed.
> Cell: 651.387.9065  Office: 651.632.6162     |Invalid Pagefault in crackme.dll"
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