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Re: [TCLUG:18008] Playing MP3s on old hardware

On Mon, 22 May 2000, Dave Sherohman wrote:

> Yaron said:
> > Anyone know if there's anything I can do to get an old P75 to play MP3s
> > decently? I don't want to reduce the bitrate further. I wouldn't have a
> > problem hacking up this laptop (;
> Really?  I've got a true-Blue P100 (complete with F00F bug...) that runs
> 128kbps, 44MHz mp3s at ~20% CPU on an ESS1370 (or is it a 1371?) card.  I
> would've expected a P75 to be just fine too...

If I recall correctly, it totally depends on the encoding of the
source.  Also, I doubt very much that you're really running 44 *M* Hz mp3s
-- that's one hell of an exorbitant sample rate!  Of course if you need to
store a little radar data with the bonus tracks... ;)


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