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Re: [TCLUG:17921] Re: Follow-up question on Samba mounting

>>>>> "DW" == David Wood <> writes:

    DW> On Sat, 20 May 2000, Doug Reitz wrote:

    >> Here is a method that has been successful for me.
    >> smbmount "\\server\dir" -U username -c `mount /mntpoint`
    DW>   smbmount //server/dir -U username -c "mount /mountpoint"

    DW> the backslashes are a headache, and smbmount does accept
    DW> forward slashes :)

    DW> Also, the backquotes are escaped by a few shells, and the
    DW> output from whatever's inside them is sent to the command line
    DW> in place of it.

    DW> -David

This method works with older versions of smbmount.  The newer ones use 
the -o syntax that several members of the tclug-list were kind enough
to point out in earlier messages.  Sadly, it seems that the samba
mounting utilities interfaces have changed radically, and that the
documentation has been slow to catch up.  Per an earlier
recommendation, I'd suggest that those having trouble (as I was)
should upgrade to v. 2.0.7, where the documentation has caught up to a 
point much closer to the implementation.  The version shipped with RH
6.1 has an inadequate interface, and intermediate versions seem to
have laggy doc.