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Re: [TCLUG:17834] Installfest

Kevin R. Bullock said:
> Speaking of the installfest, I have install CDs for SuSE 6.3, RH 6.2,
> Mandrake 7, Stormix 2000, FreeBSD 4.0, OpenBSD 2.6, and NetBSD 1.4. Anyone
> interested? :) I'll also try to make a bootable CD of the Debian potato
> boot floppies and some base packages. My area of expertise is Debian, so I
> can help folks out with that.

I'm bringing a skeletal 486/66 to 'stone soup' into a firewall and I'm
thinking I'll probably want to install OpenBSD on it, so I'd like to see that
CD there on Sat.

"Two words: Windows survives." - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
"So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin." - Matthew Alton
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