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Re: Follow-up question on Samba mounting

On Thu, 18 May 2000, Robert P. Goldman wrote:

> execvp of smbmnt failed. Error was No such file or directory.smbmnt
> failed: 1
> mount.smbfs: ioctl failed, res=-1

> This isn't terribly helpful.   I know that I'm getting the connection to
> the samba server, because I get the password prompt (when I don't supply
> it as an option).  And I can list the shares using smbclient -L
> Unfortunately, now that smbclient has drifted from smbmount --- in
> particular now that the options syntax is completely different --- it's
> not at all clear to me how one can use smbclient to debug the mount
> commands.  In the old days it seemed like you could use smbclient ....
> -c mount to get the arguments all right.  But now that's not possible.
> I was writing you in the hopes that you had been through something like
> this and would have developed some tactic for debugging mount commands.

I'm afraid I have no particular tactic other than making what I can out of
the error messages that smbmount (or mount) gives me. For example, the
exec() set of system calls (including the execvp() that it's complaining
about) executes another process from a program. mount is trying to execute
smbmnt (the program that does the actual mounting for smbfs) and can't
find it. So the question is, where is it? Try a 'which smbmnt' and see if
you come up with anything. If not, you need to find smbmnt and install it
(e.g. on Debian-based systems it's in the smbfs package). If it is, try
putting it in your path so that mount can find it.

Overall your problem isn't with the options.

Pacem in Terris / Mir / Shanti / Salaam / Heiwa
Kevin R. Bullock