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Re: [TCLUG:17728] Motif has gone opensource!

> > Isn't that what I was saying?  You aren't likely to be hired to write a
> > commercial version of your software if you released your software opensource
> > GPL.  You would have to rewrite your code instead of use your existing code
> > base (provided they want to use a restricted commercial license - safely
> > assumed in most cases).  Under BSD, you can use the code you started with
> > and then extend it for commercial purposes and use whatever license you like
> > for it.  The original code remains BSD for the rest of the world to use.
> Wrong. As long as you maintain full copyright you may release your code
> under _any_ license you wish at any time. GPL only becomes a problem
> for relicensing in cases like the Linux kernel where copyright is
> shared (I know that I wouldn't give my approval in that case, and there
> are many others who would not as well).

But doesn't the existing released code remain under whatever license it
was under? Ex: OpenSSH derives from the last free release of ssh... Tons
of others I can't think of...