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Re: [TCLUG:17728] Motif has gone opensource!

On Wed, 17 May 2000, Gabe Turner wrote:

> This is exaclty the point of the BSD license.  If I write some code and I GPL
> it, it's not "free" because Big Company X can't use it "freely" in their proprietary program.  It's kind of a paradox: The GPL doesn't let you make your code
> free as it limits people to having to keep it free.  Make sense?  Maybe not,
> but that's what I think.  IMHO, "Free" means no strings attached.  Every license
> _except_ the BSD license have such strings.

You missed my point earlier Gabe -- it is the _code_ that is free, not the
programmer. That's the whole point of the GPL, and that's why we like it.

There are people who don't, and that's why there's the BSD license. :)

Still, they were pretty pissed when AT&T stole their code and didn't give
them any credit...
