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Re: [TCLUG:17728] Motif has gone opensource!

On Tue, 16 May 2000, Daniel Taylor wrote:

> If you put GPL on it you allow free distribution, but with source 
> available only. Only a small improvement if your motive is profit,
> but at least you don't give your competitors a sword to put in your
> back.

Very true...And also, as the copyright holder of the software, I could
re-license under whatever terms I desire. But, if other developers
maintained their copyrights to the parts of the code (like the Linux
kernel), there is no way I'd ever be able to re-license for profit if it
was GPL. SOMEONE would object, and I'd have to re-write that component.
With BSD, you don't have to worry about that...(which is what I was
thinking when I made my initial statement). OTOH, as you point out,
nothing stops my compeditors from releasing the exact same product with a
few enhancements, and burying me...

I guess it comes down to what you want to do...I think the market for
selling GPL'd software a la Redhat is a very small one...since it can, of
course, be had for free. If you want to charge for support that's fine,
but if you want to charge for software,'re screwed.
