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Re: [TCLUG:17728] Motif has gone opensource!

On Tue, 16 May 2000, Luke Francl wrote:

> In the end though, I think we must agree, there is no one "right" license.
> I favor the GPL, and I will use it whenever I have a chance. That wouldn't
> stop me from contributing or starting a BSD licensed project though. It
> just depends on your motivations. If I had a company which hoped to sell
> the code (and not just support), I'd certainly do BSD. But you see, I'm
> one of those fanatics who think that all software should be Free with a
> capital "F", until copyright is dead, I'll do GPL whenever I can.
That would be your first mistake.  If you are selling the code
put a more restrictive license on it.  If you put BSD on it you
allow free redistribution, and redistribution without source.
If you put GPL on it you allow free distribution, but with source 
available only. Only a small improvement if your motive is profit,
but at least you don't give your competitors a sword to put in your

Daniel Taylor                Embedded and custom Linux integration.           (612)747-1609