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Re: [TCLUG:17728] Motif has gone opensource!

On Tue, 16 May 2000, Scott Dier - dieman wrote:

> On Tue, 16 May 2000, Luke Francl wrote:
> > GPL'd code. By not going BSD, you ensure that while code changes from
> > outside sources can certianly be incorporated into _your_ project, nothing
> Ahh, yes. BSD, for those who don't mind their code being incorprated into
> projects against their will for profit.
> I'll keep with the GPL, thank you.

As will I. I'm not a big fan of the BSD license; but then, there are a lot
of people who aren't big fans of the GPL (slight understatement there).
Personally, I *like* having the guarantee that *no one* can take away that
program from me, ever. And it annoys me that so many new licenses are
being created which are incompatible with the GPL [1]. 


[1] One which particularly annoys me is PHP. I don't think the PHP license
is incompatible with the GPL per se, but it's just lame that they made a
new license just for their project.  PHP3 was GPL'd, but the developers
wanted to make some $$$ off of their new engine (Zend), so they changed
the licensing of PHP so they could incorporate proprietary Zend speed-ups
without having to GPL them. Why couldn't they have just LGPL'd PHP?