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Re: [TCLUG:17658] email client -- NT dual boot

On Mon, 15 May 2000, Andrew S. Zbikowski wrote:

> | 1) Is there an easy way to migrate data from Netscape mail folders to
> | Pine mail folders?
> |
> Probally not.

Actually, this is not true. It would be fairly simple to write a program
which converts the email files of a Netscape Mail folder to the Pine
format. Have a look at both of them, and see which fields are different.

On the other hand, you might not need to.

In '98 I used Netscape Mail for all my email needs; then I got (read:
coughed up $30/year for) an interactive account from the U. Being rather
stupid, I felt that my mail would be somehow useful to me, so I saved
it. I didn't work in with pine on my new interactive acount, so I started
writing a program to convert the netscape mail to pine's format, but I
lost interest. But I saved the mail file.

Recently, I was bored, so I decided to look in my old "netscape-mail"
folder -- and with Pine 4.20, IT WORKED.

So, my advice to you is: make a copy of the folders in your ~/nsmail
directory, and try to open them with Pine 4.20. 
