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Re: [TCLUG:17648] Moving the install & Linux fdisk 20gb IDE drive h*ll


> So are you running a 2.0 kernel?

I was asked this once, and was silly enough to *not* answer it..

I run 2.2.13 as found on Slackware 7.0.0. The Kernel seems to have the least
trouble of any component. I am not thinking that the partiton nightmare was a
problem with the ver of fdisk I was using.

Incidentally, the newest ver fo LILO is very very cool.. Added LBA32 to the
boot section and the 1024 cyl limit is no more. Now that's what I call progress

Bill Layer - Frogtown, MN. U.S.A.

"This halibut is fit for Jehovah"