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Re: [TCLUG:17578] Partition: swap

On Fri, 12 May 2000, Callum Lerwick wrote:

> > One problem with ReiserFS, though, is that it cannot be used on an NFS
> > server.  Unlike most Unix filesystems, ReiserFS doesn't have inodes, per
> > se.  I imagine they could be emulated in some way, and maybe that has
> > actually happened in the time since I've paid any attention ;-)
> Though someone mentioned a kludge to make this work.
> Down with NFS! ;)

More recent versions cope fine with NFS.  I have an 8GB share exported
out to multiple clients (Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris) without any
problems (ReiserFS has been on it for about 6 weeks).  And man, is it
nice how much faster the thing comes up with the journaling - no more 5
minute fscks on it. 

Down with long fscks! :)

James Raney