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RE: [TCLUG:17411] [severely OT] Tcl vs Perl

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Dave Sherohman []
> Sent:	Tuesday, May 09, 2000 9:39 AM
> To:
> Subject:	Re: [TCLUG:17411] [severely OT] Tcl vs Perl
> Schlough, Mark said:
> > 	The only downside of Perl/Tk is that there is not that many books on
> > it.  O'Reilley's _Learning_Perl_ is a good intro, but lacks a complete
> > example.  O'Reilley's _Advanced_Perl_Programming_ has a decent example
> of a
> > complete Perl/Tk application, but they only dedicate two chapters to the
> > topic.
> Although I haven't read it yet, I would expect that the copy of O'Reilly's
> _Learning_Perl/Tk_ sitting on my shelf covers the topic in greater depth.
	I bought the book, looked at it, and found that it jumped around a
lot....and returned it shortly therafter.  THe author spent a lot of time
explaining  some trivial things, sometimes explaining good things in depth,
and glossing over other stuff entirely.   It's been a while, but I don't
remember the apps in that book being more than maybe two screens.  It just
seemed incomplete without a larger example.   That's just me though. I can't
speak for other readers.

	Since then I have been more careful to read reviews from,, et. al. before plunking down money.  I have found
that this is a smarter way to shop.


	P.S.  I don't buy stuff from amazon anymore until bezos quits peeing
in the well.  He's coming around little-by-little though